site-specific, community-relevant education
for planetary liberation
Core Pedagogical Values
1. Sacred Space: preparing myself, the space, and the program with intention, incantation, and centering. This invites in spiritual support and presence for what will unfold.
2. Critical Pedagogy: approaching every workshop with the understanding that all participants are already coming in with invaluable knowledge, experience, and responses to share. This decenters the educator as being the expert, and honors what each person is bringing to the collective experience.
3. Adaptation: inviting participants to adapt and even skip any components of the practice that don't resonate with them. This allows people to check in with their bodies/spirits and center what they needs.
4. Authenticity: opening the space with authentic shares and check-ins invites our full selves to be present. We can be real with what's moving through us so that we can show up to the work fully.
5. Radical love: holding space with compassion for each person's complex being and journey, receiving them without judgement, and inviting us to do the same for others helps grow healing community. I find that incorporating playfulness, joy, and creativity into our work additionally opens up our hearts for connection.
Tools for growing an intersciplinary education for healing body, mind, spirit, habitat, and community.
Sarita Doe offers a Year One Course through School for the Ecocene as well as 1:1 and group mentorship for DIY scholars seeking mentorship, structure, and class in like-minded community to map and generate their emergent programs. Students receive a copy of the DIY PhD Primer with calendar, research methodology, and timeline recomendations. Your DIY PhD is yours!
A Textbook for the Ecocene
Textbook for the Ecocene is a guide for connecting to self, community and planet. The Ecocene is an emergent geologic era where all humyns live in reciprocity with their ecosystems again. My DIY PhD Dissertation, the Textbook holds testimonies, Earth-based theory, and rituals to practice at home. Soft-cover publication available with Co-Conspirator Press and e-book available below.
DIY PhD Deck
The DIY PhD Deck holds 70 eco-printed activity cards to nurture our soul work in this world! Each deck comes with a booklet on how to use the deck and the content of the cards. Pick a card at random to support your day or season, or choose a ritual, meditation or mapping prompt that resonates for you at any time. Have fun and receive support while tuning into the Universe as your University.
Do you seek support in creating art and nature-based curricula? Share a little about your project with me.