The Confluence
An embodied eco-conference for Earthworkers share their wares, works, inspirations, and incantations for planetary liberation. School for the Ecocene’s first annual confluence, June 1st, 2024 on Tongva Lands in collaboration with Slanguage University at Studio One Eleven, Long Beach, California. DIY PhDers shared research, poetry, paintings, and more. Come together to celebrate our movements’ medicine, in-person and livestreamed.
Earth Doula by Queen Hollins
Earth Doula is an illustrated guide for Earth medicine, stewardship, and healing. At a time when so many have forgotten or been disconnected from sustaining life, Queen Hollins immerses us in Black Indigenous wisdom, practices, and rituals to grow resilience as a thriving planet. Illustrations by Sarita Doe, Jenny Montalvo, and Jasmine Nyende, published by Ecocen Press 2024.
Collaborative mapping with ecosystems, elders, organizations, and artists to share the stories our bodies and landscapes hold. Illuminated manuscripts visualize the medicine our movements are remembering and regenerating on Earth. Pictured here is el Codice de Cambios, made in collaboration with Olivia Chumacero and the spirits at Huntington Gardens, Tongva Lands, Los Angeles, California in 2018.
habitat restoration & education
Collaborative consulting, workshops, curricula, and habitat design to bring us back into living equilibrium with our multi-species habitats. Edible, medicinal, and native landscapingand in Huchiun Ohlone Lands, East Bay area, California.
Pictured here is Wildcat Canyon Community School upper hillside restoration, planted in conjunction with 5th - 7th grades.
rites and rituals
Flower Mountain, 2023, Sarita Doe, Yoli, and School for the Ecocene at coneshapetop on Ohlone Lands, Oakland, California.
Ceremonies for bringing Earth and all beings back into balance. Site-specific portals we open with intention to release, return, and repair with the support of ancestor guides, altars, and elemental Earth medicine.
Earthpainting is natural painting as offering and collaborator with habitat. Sarita shares workshops and apprenticeships for documents the spirits, stories and medicine we find there with natural pigment and gum arabic powder, or gouache. Offered seasonally via zoom or in-person by request.
Of Seed, Soil, and Stars:
Meditations on Land, Body, Resistance, and Regeneration
Of Seed, Soil, and Stars, curated by Joy A. Anderson and Robin Garcia at LACE in Tongva Lands, Los Angeles California in 2023. Six interdisciplinary artists collaborate with earth and communities, using soil, rainwater, and natural pigments as material. Together, their work explores the relationships between the land and body and between migration and memory.